
江西精冠智能科技有限公司 集研發(fā)、鑄造、加工、鈑金、裝配于一體的大型企業(yè)
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How to divide the process of NC lathe

There are three main methods to divide the working procedure of NC lathe: the method of cutting tool concentration, the method of cutting position, and the method of rough and finish machining. Here's a look at the breakdown. 

1, tool set sorting method. Is divided into working procedures according to the tool used, using the same tool processing parts can be completed on all the parts. Use the second knife and the third to finish the rest of what they can. This can reduce the number of tool change, compressed air travel time, reduce unnecessary positioning error. 

2. The method of sorting processing parts. For the parts with many machining contents, the machining parts of NC Lathe can be divided into several parts according to its structural characteristics, such as inner shape, outer shape, curved surface or plane, etc. . Generally, the plane and the locating surface are machined first, then the hole is machined; the simple geometry is machined first, then the complex geometry is machined; the parts with lower precision are machined first, then the parts with higher precision are machined.

 3. Using the method of rough and finish machining. For the parts which are easy to be deformed, the NC lathe needs to be calibrated because of the possible deformation after rough machining. 

NC lathe manufacturers remind everyone, NC shop processing in the division of the process, we must look at the structure and technology of parts, NC lathe function, NC lathe processing content of the number, the installation times and the production organization status of the unit to grasp flexibly. In addition, it is suggested that the principle of procedure concentration or the principle of procedure dispersion should be adopted.

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