
江西精冠智能科技有限公司 集研發(fā)、鑄造、加工、鈑金、裝配于一體的大型企業(yè)
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Which parts are suitable for vertical machining center?

Vertical machining center refers to the spindle in the vertical condition of the machining center. Most of the structure forms are fixed columns. The worktable is rectangular and has no function of dividing and rotating. Suitable for machining disc, sleeve, plate parts. 

It generally has three axis of linear motion, in the processing of spiral parts on the workbench can be installed along the horizontal axis of rotation of a turntable. Vertical Machining Center is easy to install, operate, observe the processing, debugging procedures, widely used. However, due to the constraints of the column height and tool changing device, it is not possible to process too high parts. When processing the cavity or concave surface, the chip is not easy to discharge, when serious will damage the cutting tool and the processing surface, affecting the smooth processing. 

The vertical machining center has good functions and high degree of automation, and can process special parts which are difficult or impossible for general machine tools. What parts can a vertical machining center process? 

  1. The machining precision is high, the shape and the structure is complex, especially the curve, the curve and the summary complex parts, or the box-shaped or the shell-shaped parts whose cavity is not turned over.

  2. must be in a clamping in the completion of milling, drilling, reaming, planing or tapping and other multi-process parts.

  3.  Parts that are expensive and difficult to obtain are not allowed to be invalidated. Four. In the general machine processing low productivity, labor intensity, quality control difficult parts.

  4.  Military components or components of various types, specifications, single-piece, small-batch production, used for modification comparison and functional or functional experiments.

  5. These are suitable for vertical machining center processing parts, in the general machine tool is difficult to process. Machining with vertical machining center can improve machining power and accuracy, and reduce the damage rate of parts.

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